Zac’s Substack
Zac’s Substack
On Authority

On Authority

Who do you trust?

Who do you trust? Yourself and your sense, or a piece of paper that says someone knows better than you?

Why do you believe what you believe?

Who do you believe, and why do you believe them?
Why do you trust them to tell you the truth?

Unless you’re in an intergenerational truther family, at some point in your life, you watched TV and said… “they’re the authority, they’re the ones to listen to”.

Then something happened, and you lost trust in them.

Maybe your child got hurt by an injection.
Meanwhile Mr. Doctor on TV was urging you to get your yearly flu shot.

Maybe you saw the CONVID pantomime show on TV, and compared that with your own reality.

Maybe you started your truther journey after 9/11.

Whatever happened, you stopped believing what they told you, because you knew the truth was something different.

Your trust in authority collided with your reality.

Yes, it is painful to suddenly see that everyone you trusted WAS LYING.

Yes, it is painful to see everything you put your faith in, utterly let you down.

But the truth is the truth, and you took the red pill.

Now you make angry posts on your Telegram or Twitter or Gab.
“#CrimesAgainstHumanity #NeverForget #DiedSuddenly”
I do that too.

As people, we need to put our trust in something.

When you lost trust in the Rockerfeller medical system, you moved that trust somewhere else.

—> The Alternative Medical System.

When you lost trust in the lamestream clownfaces on TV, you moved your trust somewhere else.

—> The Alternative TV

Maybe Alex Jones, or The People’s Voice. Maybe Stew Peters or Maria Zeee.

Maybe you experienced alternative health advice, and yep, the doctors were lying all along… and yep this alternative remedy really does work.

The above are probably where your trust is now, at least partially.

But let’s be real, if somebody hops on Stew Peters and tells you… “get the CONVID clotshot it’s good for you”. We both know what your response will be, and it won’t be nice.

But let me ask you, what happens when someone jumps on Stew Peters and says: “if you want to detox the vax or the shedding, you have to take aluminium”

What is your response then?

Let’s examine this.

Examining Trust & Belief

Initially, why did you believe the TV, and the news?
Why did you believe the doctor?

There are many elements to this.

A big aspect that comes to mind is: Social Proof

Everyone else seems to believe them, so we believe them too.

That’s normal.

What else?

Well in the case of a doctor, they spent 10 years in medical school.

Imagine that, 10 years.

It’s outrageous to think somebody spent 10 years in a university, just to learn how to become a glorified pharmaceutical sales-representative, prescribing poisons, administering radioactive metals or becoming a human-flesh butcher.

The mainstream doctor has a certificate on the wall.
The mainstream doctor uses lots of big words that you don’t understand.
The mainstream doctor has lots of diagrams on his walls.
The mainstream doctor understands, and you don’t!

That is the mentality. He or she is a DOCTOR, and you’re a dumb civilian.

The mainstream doctor tells you cholesterol (an extremely important chemical) is bad, you better believe him.

The mainstream doctor tells you to give your 6 month old a jab (filled with poisons), you better jab that poor baby.

The mainstream doctor tells you to pop pills to keep your fever down, you do it.


If cholesterol is necessary for a million different important roles in your body, how can it be bad?
Uh-uh, the Doctor knows better than you. Remember? 10 years in school! Certificate on the wall! Everybody trusts him! Meanwhile you, are nobody.

If injections are filled with poisons, how can it be good to put them in you or your baby?
Uh-uh, the Doctor knows better than you. Remember? 10 years in school! Certificate on the wall! Everybody trusts him! Meanwhile you, are nobody.

If a fever is necessary for healing and is literally your immune system ramping up to full-on war mode, how can suppressing it be good?
Uh-uh, the Doctor knows better than you. Remember? 10 years in school! Certificate on the wall! Everybody trusts him! Meanwhile you, are nobody.

So at some point, you decided that your common sense is more important to you than Mr. Doctor.

And maybe over the years, you come to realise that Mr. Doctor was never trained to ask questions. In fact he was actively punished for it.

Maybe you come to realise that Mr. Doctor himself, doesn’t know the ingredients of the injections.

Maybe you come to realise that Mr. Doctor has never read any toxicology papers.

Whaaaat? But he spent a decade in med school. And what about that certificate on the wall? And the big words he uses? And how everyone else trusts him?

You see when questioned, most doctors will come up with an answer.

“Why should I suppress cholesterol?” -> “because too much is bad and it hurts you”

“Why should I inject my baby with aluminum and mercury” -> “it’s only a small amount”

“Why should I drink fluoride which is neurotoxic” -> “it’s good for your teeth”

When examined, none of these responses stand or even make sense.

For example, the response for cholesterol is actually a distraction. My response would be “too much compared to what? and why does ‘too much’ occur to begin with?”.

For injections, the “it’s only a small amount of poison” is a load of baloney, yet the response works on millions of parents, putting their doubts at ease.

This is called a confidence trick. The Doctor has a ready-to-go answer, even if it makes no sense… and they believe him. Why? Because the Doctor understands, and you don’t.

90% of people just do as they’re told, because Mr. Doctor is the authority and they aren’t.
As above, 9% of people politely ask Mr. Doctor a question: “is this safe?” “I read something about vitamin C being good”. They are neatly shut down with a swift and illogical response.
And 1% of people say “you know what Mr. Doctor, this doesn’t make sense… I’m out… I just hope you pray a lot because you’ll probably need it one day when you die”

Is Mr. Doctor a good guy? A bad guy? Brainwashed? Are they smart? Are they dumb? Are they demonically possessed? People love having these debates. But the truth is, it doesn’t matter.
I don’t bother with judging these people, I only care about staying away from their harm.

99% (90% + 9%) of people are led astray. And 1% of people are ostracized and called crazy.

I suppose we are all set up for this system subconsciously:

  • Many parents do not like being questioned, or just don’t have answers. So when children question certain things, they are told to shut up and do as told. This is backed up with the threat of punishment, which slowly will kill off brain circuits responsible for the child asking questions.

  • To create a cohesive classroom, everyone is conditioned to listen to the teacher, even if they’re a total dumbass. Even if the teacher decided to punish the wrong person for an incident. Even if the teacher makes 0 sense.
    This is backed up with the threat of punishment, which slowly will kill off brain circuits responsible for the child questioning authority.

But all of that no longer matters. At some point you decided… screw them, I’m not falling for this anymore. Whether you gained enough technical knowledge to argue with the Doctor and call him out, or for once you decided to trust yourself… you took the red pill.

You freed yourself from the herd mentality, right?

But have you really?

Remember that while the old idols may have been smashed, the foundational psychology and subconscious programming to trust authority is still in us. It’s in you, and it’s in me.

But we don’t believe the media, nor do we believe Mr. ‘I’m-just-a-Big-Pharma-Prescription Machine’ Doctor.

So who do we believe?

The Confidence Trick… Again

So now you’re watching Stew Peters (as an example). Mr. Goofy Guru shows up.

Mr. Goofy Guru builds trust with you by saying things you already agree with.
Finally a strong spokesperson doing great work. Standing up to the globalists. Standing up to big pharma. That’s good, right?

Mr. Goofy Guru is wearing a lab coat.
Mr. Goofy Guru has a certificate on the wall.
Mr. Goofy Guru knows all these big words you don’t.
Mr. Goofy Guru is followed by millions and everyone seems to trust him/her.

Wow! Did you see that? Did you see what I did there?

Then Mr. Goofy Guru tells you to take something called Zeolite (as an example).

90% of people, buy that Zeolite, purely because Mr. Goofy Guru said they should.
Why? Because Mr. Goofy Guru understands, and you don’t.
9% of people ask “hey I read that Zeolite is made of aluminium, isn’t that bad?”. Mr. Goofy Guru neatly shuts them down with the Confidence Trick “oh no the aluminium is bound up and isn’t reactive, don’t think about that, think about all the testimonials and studies”
And finally 1% of people say “aluminium in my body? I can’t believe I almost fell for this again, no thanks Mr. Goofy Guru, but you better get on your knees and start praying for the day you die”

Is Mr. Goofy Guru a good person? A bad person? Do they know? Are they wilfully ignorant and negligent? It doesn’t matter. Just stay away from their harm.

Do you understand?

This was partly inspired by a conversation with Eric:

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