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Zac’s Substack
On Certainty

On Certainty

Anxiety, Belief & the Truth in our crazy world

For months now, I have been baffled.

Baffled how celebrity gurus regularly butcher nanosciences
(one example from many is your favorite nano-hydrogel-guru equating graphene and carbon nanotubes as ‘the same thing’).

Baffled how every guru claims to have it all figured out.
Also amused at how they contradict themselves and conflict with each-other.

Baffled how every guru claims they know exactly how every piece of the CONVID puzzle fits together.

Baffled at how gurus look at unprecedented materials & technologies and confidently come up with explanations which they have no proof for.

And yet despite all this, people are more confused than ever.

“It’s alien tech! No it’s a WBAN. No wait, these biosensors were already implanted since the 90s. So it’s actually a sterilization program, it’s all about depopulation. Wait no it’s actually to kill everyone and then sterilize them even though they’re dead so they can’t have babies from the grave. Wait no, it’s actually about transhumanism… which conveniently, we’ve never even defined.”

People switch camps constantly. From the ‘spike protein mainstream’, then to the venom group, then to the hydrogel group, to the graphene fanatics that think anything and everything is graphene and nothing else, then the WBAN/biofield group… back and forth.

If any of these had it all figured out, there wouldn’t be so much confusion, would there?

If any of these had it all figured out, would there be conflicting evidence, studies, experiment & theories?

It deeply bothers me when a guru claims to have all the answers.
Definitively and authoritatively telling you “don’t look here, look there…only I know how the world works… come child put my tinted pinhole glasses on”

It deeply amuses me when 6 months later they drop the line they were towing and jump onto the next ‘trendy’ explanation.

I’ve addressed various specific ‘goofy guru claims’ on the Independz podcast, and while many loyal listeners have loved what they hear, some are very confused about the message.

A small minority think that if I say “hold on Goofy Guru, where’s your proof, how are you so certain?”, that I’m being ‘mainstream’ or ‘blue-pilled’.

But they know I am anything but mainstream, so they get confused.

When I say “we don’t know for sure if this is an Intra-Body Nano Network, sorry to say but there is insufficient proof, how do you explain X Y Z points?” they think I’m ‘refuting’ the theory.

Then when I say but… here are the facts that may suggest some credence to the theory, or a variation on the concept, here’s why I believe, A B C isn’t a coincidence”, they get confused.

“Is he supporting the theory or not? Why doesn’t he just tell me how to view reality and I can move on with my day?”

It didn’t make sense to me why anyone could consider subscribing to narratives that don’t make proper sense when examined carefully.

It didn’t make sense to me why no-one challenges these narratives & theories.

Or why people don’t even acknowledge that they are just that… theories.

Whenever I form a belief or create a theory, I am in a constant process of trying to disprove the belief or theory. This is how we grow, and this is also how our understanding of the world is strengthened. Doubt is a compass.

I am undefeatable when debating Zeolite because I have been challenged by countless people… each strengthening my knowledge and resulting in me adding more nuance and understanding to my arguments.

For months I’ve been wondering why people jump from reality to reality… worshiping Gurus unquestioningly and ignoring the fallibility of each theory, until they move to the next.

Then I saw this video:

“You will notice that most people in this life are so certain that they have the answer.

They know what is correct! They know it is morally right! They know the answers!

That is the disease of our time.


But certainty comes from a great degree of anxiety because you're afraid of not knowing the answers.
You're afraid of life itself you're afraid, of being open to other possibilities by being certain about it knowing this is the correct answer.

Robert Greene's books are evil. Robert Green's books are wonderful.

You're closing yourself off to the, possibility that maybe they're not evil, maybe they're not so wonderful.

Maybe they’re life itself.

Things aren't just black and white. They’re alive.

But your anxiety, your insecurity, your need to have all the answers…

It's an emotional disease that's corrupting you from the inside out and it comes from your anxiety.

So let go! Don't feel like you have to know all of the answers.

If you're having a decision you have to make if, you're at a crossroads, you don't have all the answers. You're open to another possibility. It could be A or B or C or D, and just let yourself be in that moment of things could be fluid.”

This instantly clicked for me.

We’re all anxious and afraid. What exactly does the future hold? How will we handle this future? Will we be turned into brainless automatons or enslaved with digital control systems? Will our thoughts be our own? Have we been irreparably infected and altered for life? What does this mean for our offspring?

For the longest time, I’ve said that the ‘real’ nano assault is scary enough, without goofy guru fantasies and confusion added.

But at least the goofy gurus have a vague ‘explanation’ for everything, even if it changes every few months.

Because more uncertainty adds to this fear. We don’t like uncertainty.

Ever seen the reaction of an injected person when you tell them “sorry we don’t know what they put in you”? They would rather you ramble on about cyborgs, aliens and nanorobots then tell them “we don’t know”.

Some injected people have become s**cid*l due to their anxiety, fear and uncertainty. Falsely thinking there “isn’t any hope”.

Our fears and anxieties want us to find any ‘answer’. We want a set worldview to calm us.
Even if that worldview makes no sense, we prefer it over the dark void of our fears and uncertainty.

But here’s the problem: our certainty tells us we have to look at the world in a set way.

It tells us that when we see a square under the microscope it must be a nanochip.
It tells us that when we see a circle under the microscope it must be a nanobot.
It tells us that when we see a crystalline pattern, it must be a fractal nano-antenna.

It limits us within a small square of comprehension, causing us to pass up or ignore life-changing solutions.

It limits our ability to understand and examine an assault, a takeover, a corruption that is widespread, interdisciplinary, multidimensional and contains partially inexplicable aspects.

With the takeover we face, to keep up, we have to adapt our thinking and understanding… constantly
Otherwise, we risk looking down into the crater of an asteroid that hit earth, while oblivious to the tsunami it caused, about to sweep us away.

If we don't constantly adapt our thinking, we risk looking down into the crater of an asteroid that hit earth, while oblivious to the tsunami about to sweep us away.

For example, people that are still stuck talking about BLE have no scientific or ultra-dimensional explanation for how those signals can be produced and transmitted from inside of people in the way that it is… yet it is happening.

People talking exclusively about weather manipulation and injections may find it very difficult to explain the fibrous infections and outbreaks found in certain individuals.

Our fear of this crazy world fools us into the Certainty Trap, where we abandon logical reasoning and critical thinking for the flimsy, thin safety-blanket of blindly following a theory or idea.

So now we understand why and how Certainty cripples us, why do we fall into the Certainty Trap so easily?

On our Search for Certainty

Just knowing something is bad, is not enough if you still can’t avoid it.

Consider the following example:
If I tell you fluoride in drinking water is a ridiculously stupid idea, you would agree… we know it’s bad. So that’s it. Neither of us will drink tap water. End of story.
The exact reason why fluoride is bad doesn’t really matter to you, because you know it’s bad, and you will avoid the harm.

But what if you can’t avoid drinking fluoride? What if you don’t know exactly why the entities want fluoride in you? You know that fluoride is bad for you, but you don’t know how or why.

You clearly need to figure out why your enemy wants to put fluoride in you… if for no other reason than to know your enemies plot against you.

So you start researching fluoride. And you discover the connection between aluminum & fluoride. But in your haste to find the answer, you immediately wholeheartedly jump on the theory as the exclusive, only truth… “it’s to increase aluminum absorption, they’re trying to kill us all with our drinking water”.

This may be true, but in your haste for certainty and ‘the answer’, you forgot to challenge your theory with important questions regarding chemistry, toxicology, dosage and biological interactions.

This can lead to you entirely missing other elements to fluoride and its damage:

  • Neurotoxicity and cognitive impairments; ‘dumbing down’

  • Interactions with other nutrients such as magnesium & calcium

  • Calcification, pineal gland

Denying the importance of taking a theory you came up with, tearing up it to shreds, and seeing what happens GUARANTEES the truth will always lay somewhere above and to the left of your theory (oh wait, maybe I meant stage left, so, to the right).

Do you understand so far?

Liken this to injectables, shedding & the synthetic/nano assault. We know it’s ‘bad’… but we still don’t have a complete jigsaw puzzle picture.
The purported ingredients and components of the CONVID injectables don’t match with our reality.
The patents and papers that the Patent Gurus pour over provide little explanation, and raise more questions.

We need AND want to know what on earth is going on.

We want to cling onto certainty.
We want to feel like we understand the agenda, we understand how it’s implemented and we have all the answers.

But we don’t.

Our susceptibility to be lead astray with Certainty is increased with another element.

On Certainty & Established Belief

The falsehood in Certainty is further obscured when the spirit of the theory is in line with our deep-held beliefs.

Let me explain.

Generally, we believe that:

  • There is a depopulation agenda… they’ve talked about it endlessly

    • This of course involves sterilization

  • There is a digitized slavery agenda that will be implemented sooner rather than later

  • Inj*ct*bl*s are toxic and don’t do any good.

By default we imagine that any theory in line with these beliefs must be true.

“Injections are a sterilization program!”
This theory is in line with the depopulation agenda belief we have, and the fact that inj*ct*bl*s are toxic.

Sure, there is a depopulation agenda.
But then ask the question, do they really need an injection to achieve that? What about water, food, air, ‘accidental chemical leaks’, drugs, other health care, contraceptives, etc.

The answer is no! But could it be a convenient delivery method? Yes. Could the jabs have another purpose, and a side-effect or bonus is sterilizing some people? Yes!

Notice how upon questioning the initial belief, we actually strengthened our understanding while broadening the possibilities we can see.

In 2021, many gurus made the bold claim that in 8-9 months, all the injected people would drop dead and the real plandemic would start, depopulating the earth radically.
Many believed the theory.
8-9 months later, in 2022, the timeline became ‘in another 12 months everyone will drop dead’.
Then ‘in another few years’.

Until now, despite the horrific adverse effects, illnesses, mortality and the like skyrocketing, the predicted ‘purging’ has not come to pass.

The theory was and still is plausible, but I remember being the only one I knew questioning the holes in the theory. Why? Just because a theory (everyone will drop dead) is in line with a belief (they want to depopulate), doesn’t mean it’s correct.

Time has proven the theory incorrect so far. However, the fact that there is a depopulation agenda still stands.
What has been proven though? Many people are slowly and silently being broken down and eliminated in numbers low enough to damage the population long-term, while keeping everyone away from wide-spread panic.

Just because a practical theory aligns with ‘their agenda', doesn’t make the theory factual.

Another example is:
“Injections installed a worldwide Internet of Bodies”
This theory is in line with the digitized slavery agenda.

Again, this is another theory that harmonizes with strong beliefs we hold about the world. But just because a theory or claim lines up with a belief we have, doesn’t mean the theory or claim is correct. Nor does it mean the theory or claim is wrong.

Instead of jumping on to the theory, sit back and consider it. Consider it’s strengths, consider it’s weaknesses. Don’t subscribe, don’t dismiss… just keep it there.

‘The Possible’ may or may not be the truth.

‘The Plausible’ may or may not be the truth.

‘The Unlikely’ may or may not be the truth.

But the thing that is most possible, plausible and least unlikely is that each contain some of the truth or a variation of the truth.

Challenging the mainstream narrative made you a truther.
Keep challenging the narrative, no matter who it comes from, and never submit to fear or the allure of false Certainty.

Inspired by this video:

Regarding the ingredients in the injectables:

Regarding nanobots:

Regarding fractal nanoantennas:

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